And They lived Swingingly Ever After

Once upon a time there lived a girl. This girl loved to dance. But this girl was sad. Every time she saw a invitation to a dance she would get dressed up in her prettiest dress and put on her magical dancing shoes in hopes of a fabulous night full of dancing. But much to her chagrin all the dances held in the kingdom were not dances that she liked. She was fond of the old school dancing that she read of in books and heard tale of from the ancients. The dances held in the Kingdom of the Salt Lake were new dances that bumped and grinded, not the kind of dance that would let her be swept of her feet by a handsome prince. Then one day her friend told her of a magical dance being held in a distant land of Ogden. This was a dance like no other, where everyone would dress up from days gone by and dance the mythical 'swing dance.' She was so excited! But what would she wear? She didn't have any clothes from yesteryear. But...