Graduation Announcements and Bird Poop

I am finally done with my Master's of Adult Education degree. I have been attending Westminster College for the past two year with no breaks, meaning I did summer, fall, and spring semesters without taking a break, and last Thursday I attended my final class and handed in my last paper. Hooray!!!! Now, I guess I am somewhat lying. I submitted my thesis and had it returned with formatting corrections that need to be fixed before I submit it to the the library for publishing, but other than that I am done! It feels so good. However, as weird as this might sound, I think I will miss school. I really love learning, but, I hate homework. And I'm very excited to get paid to work, instead of paying tuition money to do work. The timing of my school has worked out really well. I get a month to wrap up things at home before moving. When the London thing happened we initially thought we might have to be over there in March or Apr...