Cardiff Castle

Caerdydd Castle, or as us non-welsh speakers call it, Cardiff Castle. This place was beautiful! We spent the night at a great little hotel just down the street from the castle. The Doctor Who experience really took it out of us. So we grabbed dinner at a pub then went back to the hotel and all four of us, Brendan, Tiff, Porter and I piled into our little room with blankets and pillows and played Hearthstone for the rest of the evening. Hearthstone is a game on the iPad and computers sort of like Magic the Gathering, but it's put out by Blizzard (the same company that does World of Warcraft.) This weekend was really the perfect storm of Geekdom, and I LOVED it. We woke up to a blustery morning in Cardiff. But we were so excited to see this castle we didn't care. We bundled up and ran out the door. Winter in England is cold. Period. Yes, it's warmer than Utah, but the dampness and wind just cuts through t...