Flower Crown Photoshoot

My lovely friend Caty and her husband Connor have been in London for the past year. You might remember Caty from my post on Switzerland. She was one of the fabulous SwissMisses. She and Connor were getting ready to move back to the USA, so before they left we decided to have fun with a couple of photoshoots. Caty is an amazing photographer. We wanted to do something really girly, and I ask you, what is more girly than a Flower Crown Photoshoot? So we hoofed it over to Morrison's and about £20 later we emerged with a crap ton of flowers. Caty could barely carry them all! We hiked up to Canizaro Park near Wimbledon Common. I crafted Caty's crown and did her photos, she designed my crown and did all my photos. And then we put the camera on a tripod and used my remote to do some group shots. It took pretty much all afternoon, but it was such a good time! Photocred for all the pics of me: Caty Gainer...