Italian Babymoon 2016: Venice

Venice. This was the final stop on the Italian Babymoon. We flew in to Rome, and flew out of Venice. I really liked the way we planned this. We didn't have to circle back to Rome to catch a flight, which was awesome! We decided to go to Venice because it is kind of one of those places you just have to see. It was cool, but not my favorite part of Italy. It feels completely different compared to the other areas we visited. Also, everything is way more expensive. So just be prepared to pay a lot more for the same stuff you had in Florence. However, we did have a lovely time. Water taxi, canal boat, or walking over many little bridges is how you get around. Porter and I road the water taxi around a bunch to see the sights. It's a great way to get a lay of the land. There is one large canal the taxis go around called The Grand Canal, then countless little canals that the little boats go through. It w...