Ugly Sweaters that go Moo!
We went to my work Christmas Party last week. I was an ugly sweater party. I got really excited, because who ever had the ugliest sweater would win a gift card to Nordstrom. So, I decided to make the ugliest sweaters imaginable. For Porter, I bought a nasty pastel yellow sweater from the DI and hot glued a snowman with a dog peeing on it. Then, for myself, I obtained a brightly colored kids sweater and proceeded transform it into a Santa fan club shirt. However, upon arriving, everyone thought they were so cute. Wrong answer! They all couldn't believe I had made them. It was really easy thanks to the help of my friends Gus the glue gun, Fantasia felt and their cousins sequin and silk flower. Needless to say, we didn't win the ugliest sweater contest. For dinner, we were served steak, a butterfly medallion cut. I had no idea that they were anything special, and since I was starving I at 2. My boss came up and asked if I enjoyed dinner, and I happily told him I liked it so much that I had two helpings. He then proceeded to tell me that butterfly medallion's are very rare cuts of meat (only 4 per cow). There fore they are only served in super fancy restaurants and cost $52 a piece. So I consumed approximately $108 worth of steak that night. Moo! 

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