Conquers of Catan

Have you ever played Settlers of Catan? If you haven't, you need to. It is such great fun!!! I love it, although, I must admit it brings out a side of me that is a little scary. I get really competitive, and if things start going south, Oh, boy....look out. Some times, I honestly don't think Porter and I should be allowed to play together, I get so mad at him when he takes me out. And he does almost every game! He is the Evil Empire of Catan! We went to dinner with our good friends Brendan and Tiffany. They are an adorable couple, and so much fun to hang out with! Tiffany and I work together, that's how we all met. After dinner we invited them over to play games. I hadn't played Catan in so long that I was a little rusty, but it felt so good to play again! We must have a rematch soon. Except for this time, I think I should win, haha! Brendan and Porter were tied for a long time, but Brendan pulled ahead to win the whole thing. And now he is Internet famous as the Conque...