Paw Paws Dog Wash
So after we washed both of them, we moved on to the blow drying section. They set you up with a grooming table and awesome high powered blow dryers. Then you can brush, clip and dry them to your little hearts content. They provide great brushes, towels, nail clippers, hair clippers, scissors, pretty much anything you need to give your dog a fabulous new do. We really dug it. I totally felt like professional dogie stylist, and Puck was pretty much the Fabio of canines when he was finished! Also, the price is great. $13 per dog (medium size) and we got a 10% discount because we had two. So about $26 for both. When we take them to PetSmart, it's over $100! Need less to say, we are going back. I highly recommend you check it out if you have a canine friend. It's a great bonding experience for both parties plus it's a fun activity. Btw they did not ask or pay me to write this! Haha, just in case you are wondering. I just think it's a great local business that we should support, plus its so fun!
Here is a link to their web page so you can go check it out or if you want to go check it out in person, they are more than happy to give you a tour of the facility, that's what we did. Happy washing to you and your puppies!
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