It's the night of the show ya'll!

I have been busy, busy, busy! And finally, the world will see the spectacular that is "Hairspray." I'm so excited, we open on Valentine's day, although I am in the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday cast, so we don't technically open until the 15th. We have been rehearsing since December, so it's about time. I play Amber VonTussel, she is a very self absorbed teen who basically wants it all. She is very fun! Although, I lost my voice on Sunday due to an infection and am still recovering so I'm getting just a little nervous. Hopefully my voice will be fully functional by tomorrow. And it's all thanks to my sweet double (that's what we call the other actor/actress that is playing the same part), she brought me the cutest get better basket! It made my whole week.
You all should come see the show. It's very cute and the music will have you dancing all the way home. Plus it's in the brand new Center Point Legacy Theatre! Click here, or here, or even here to buys tickets. I'm super excited to see you all there! The show runs Feb. 14th-March 12th and curtain is 7:30pm.

Tuesday Thursday Saturday Cast
Photo: Ron Russell

My Get Better Basket, so cute!
We are going to rock that stage and I know that your beautiful voice will have a full recovery!!!!