Kit is Home!

My little brother came from serving in the Scotland/Ireland LDS Mission on Tuesday night. I was so excited to see him! Although, it was weird giving him a hug at first, I couldn't believe he was actually here and we could touch him. He had become this voice that I heard on Christmas and Mother's Day and letters every Monday. But he is home, hurray! I am not an only child anymore! Kit and my mom coming down the terminal at the airport at 10:20 last night. They had been flying and hanging out in airports for 24 hours straight. They weird almost zombified when they got here. Good thing we arrived in time to see them before they started eating brains. Tonight, we went up to visit since they had time to sleep and recover. And of course we had to have a fashion show! Kit's African outfit from Nigeria. I'm not sure how he got it in Scotland. He was doing a little dance for us when we snapped this. Kit with his traditional kilt. Apparently, it's a kilt until you put somet...