Today, we decided to go hiking. We had tried this hike last Sunday, but we forgot bug spray and I was driven to madness from all the flies buzzing me. So we only made it about three-quarters of the way up before turning around. This time we invited some friends and headed up the canyon, and guess what?! We forgot bug spray, again. I know, brilliant! Apparently, we are slow learners. However, today turned out to be the most beautiful day for hiking. It was over cast, and actually drizzled a little. We welcomed the rain, as we hiked for an hour and a half uphill. We reached the top though! It was beautiful to look out over the valley.

The dogs loved getting out, I think next time we need a doggie back pack for them though. I only brought my point-n-shoot camera, so the pictures aren't the best quality, but I don't think Porter would have wanted to pack my big camera way up there, and I sure didn't!

Our lovely friends joined us on this outing. Jill actually saved the day, she had some special bug spray and let us use it!
Seriously, if you have never tried this stuff, it is heaven. Plus there is hardly any sugar in it at all. It comes in tons of flavors (my favorite is Maple Almond Butter), and it come in handy, dandy little packets. Like the one above. They are great little protein snacks for hiking. Me+Nut Butter= <3
You can get them at whole foods, the chocolate hazelnut is better than nutella!!!
Anywho, we had a great day hiking and will probably go back for more, but next time we will be armed and ready with bug spray! So watch out nasty little biting flies.
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