I recently told my school that I've taught at for the past 3 years that I would not be coming back in the fall. It was a difficult decision. I felt so safe there. I knew what was expected, I knew they would love my work, and I knew the parents would be very happy. Doesn't really sound that bad of a gig, right? Well, the problem is that I felt I was stagnating. There were no challenges, no room for the creative process that I crave and love. Creative arts with young kids is fun and super cute but not fulfilling for me as an artist. So, I decided to move on. It was a scary decision because I don't really have anything lined up as of yet. Thankfully, I do have my vocal studio, which I adore! And I'm hoping with a little extra time, I will be able to grow and nurture it along as I would like. I am also in a production of 'My Fair Lady' at Hale Center Theatre this Fall, which I'm stoked about. It will be my third time performing in this show in the last 5 years. I joke with Porter that they only cast me because of the jokes they can use with my last name! Of course I'm only teasing, they hire me for my mad skills, yo!
So, we should be fine for a good while. But looking at the job market doesn't encourage me. There is just not a lot out there that really excites me. So, I'm actually considering heading back to school either for cosmetology, graphic design/photography/digital imaging, vocal performance, or I may even look out of state to attend a Master's in Acting program. Porter told me if I really wanted to we could make it work. Isn't he great?! I mean, how many husband would say, 'Honey, if you want to do it well make it happen, no matter what.' So, needless to say, I'm totally in transition right now, not quite sure where I'm headed or what's going on. I hope that I can find inspiration, I just feel a little paralyzed with indecision right now. Well, thanks for listening! If any of you have great ideas of what to do with ones life let me know!

My attack plan....kind of

The Winds of Change
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