Get me to the Church preview

Have you noticed how I'm totally into videos right now?! I figured out how to record on my phone and transfer them so I will probably continue to post them. But they are super fun, so I'm not apologizing. Anywho, this is a little preview from a show that I'm working on currently. I'm doing 'My Fair Lady' at Hale Center Theatre. It is going to be a fantastic show! I had my fitting for costumes yesterday, it took an hour and a half, but it was worth it. The costumes are beautiful!!! Sorry I don't have any previews of them, I forgot to take my phone into my dressing room to snap a few shots. But here you have us dancing and kind of (we were so concentrated on the dance that we forgot sometimes) singing to 'Get me to the Church.' It was the first night learning it so it is still a little rough. For example, I don't do a lift that I'm supposed to because my partner's back hurting, and we stop the music half way through and then it starts again. But watch the whole thing because we do a fun circle cannon and a cool little hand jive. I hope you all get tickets and come see it!!!


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