'Wonders Never Cease'

Jeanette Viola Williams Jan. 29th, 1929 - Feb. 13, 2012 Porters sweet Grandmother passed away this last week. She was a wonderful lady. This was his Father's mother. I only knew her for a few years, but she always welcomed me and made me feel right at home. Her passing was not unexpected. She had been in poor health for a while, but it is still sad to loose a loved one. We know she is in a better place watching over us, but we will still miss her a lot! Kyle (Porter's Dad) wrote a song for her 20 years ago, 'Wonders Never Cease.' He pulled it out for her funeral. He and Porter's sister, McKenzie, played the guitars and we all sang. This is a video of us practicing in Grandpa's living room before the funeral. It was a lovely song. Kyle has a real talent for song writing. I asked them all why we didn't just hit the road and start singing for our supper?! Okay, so maybe we are not...