'Wonders Never Cease'

Jeanette Viola Williams Jan. 29th, 1929 - Feb. 13, 2012
Porters sweet Grandmother passed away this last week. She was a wonderful lady. This was his Father's mother. I only knew her for a few years, but she always welcomed me and made me feel right at home. Her passing was not unexpected. She had been in poor health for a while, but it is still sad to loose a loved one. We know she is in a better place watching over us, but we will still miss her a lot!
Kyle (Porter's Dad) wrote a song for her 20 years ago, 'Wonders Never Cease.' He pulled it out for her funeral. He and Porter's sister, McKenzie, played the guitars and we all sang. This is a video of us practicing in Grandpa's living room before the funeral. It was a lovely song. Kyle has a real talent for song writing. I asked them all why we didn't just hit the road and start singing for our supper?! Okay, so maybe we are not quite ready for that, but the song was very nice at the service.
Our family, just after the dedication of the grave.
The whole Williams Family. There are a lot of us, wow! We don't get to see this side of the family very ofter, especially all of us in one room on a stage. It was a perfect picture opportunity. Growing up, I come from a small family, which has it's perks, don't get me wrong. But, I've always wanted to be a part of a big family. Thankfully, marrying Porter not only scored me one hunk of a guy, but I also inherited his awesome (BIG!) family. I'm a pretty lucky girl. I get the best of both worlds, my small family on one side and my big family on the other side.
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