For a Valentine's present for Porter I went to a Pin-up Party Photo night and took some photos. Here are some of our favorites. LockBox Studios does fun Girls night parties once a month, you should totally go check them out!
I shot a wedding the other day and rented a great lens for it. Because I didn't want said awesome lens to go to waste I made Porter come out for an impromptu photo shoot with me last Sunday. We went up to Westminster College campus and took these. I think they turned out pretty well considering I set up the shot and took the pics via remote (a fabulous christmas present from the hubster ). Porter really likes candid shots instead of posed ones. So I try to set up moments where we can be in a nice position to have a candid moment, wink, wink. It's not posing, I promise. At least he believes it's not, so that is a win! The snow made it so bright. After this picture I think we were both a little snow blind. In other pole dancing news: I can finally do leg hangs! I went to a class the other night with a fabulous teacher and ended up having a private session. Classes where I am the only one scare me becaus...
The creepiest thing happened last night. I was minding my own business, sleeping the the night away, when I woke up. And when I open my eyes, I see two big eyes starring back at me. My dog, Puck had inched his way up till he was sleeping right next to me with his head on my pillow, and his eyes were wide open. As I groggily came too, I pushed him away, saying something like, "Puck, go away!" However, he didn't move, he didn't budge.....he didn't blink! Just this big potato sack of a dog laying there starring at me. So I pushed him again...nothing. By this point I'm pretty awake and wondering what the heck is going on with my dog. I started to shake him gently while talking to him, still nothing. So now I'm thinking to myself, 'if this dog croaked in the middle of the night right next to me with his eyes wide open, I don't think I can sleep in this bed again!' I began looking for breath, he didn't even look like he was bre...
It took us 3 times to actually make it to the catacombs. The first time, they were closed, second, we went to the wrong location, but third times the charm. We waited in line for about an hour before entering here. Next we had to go down 65 steps on a tiny, spiral staircase. It was very tight, and you could feel the temperature dropping as we descended down into the bowels of Paris. We then had to go through a system of small tunnels. The ceiling was only 6 ft. and was just bare rock. It was even dripping in places. I am not claustrophobic, but I was definitely feeling uneasy. Just the thought of getting trapped down there sends shivers down my spine. The bare tunnels opened up a little to reveal this great passage way, but it only lasted a little while before we were back to the tiny tunnel. The door way to the burial chamber : "Stop. Here is the Kingdom of the Dead." There were bones stacked up 5 1/2 feet on both sides. I'm not sure how thick it was. And this went on...
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