BAM!!! I'm Back!

So I haven't been on the blog in a while, more than a while.  But the weather is getting colder and it gets dark way to soon for my liking, so I think the blog and I will get to be friends again.  Just a quick recap of the spring, summer, and and fall:

Porter lost 40 lbs. and competed in is first ever amateur Muay Thai Kickboxing match.  He lost, but he is back in the ring this Saturday for his second fight!  So everyone better be cheering for Le Mustache!

I am still in Grad School at Westminster studied Adult Ed.  I'm working on my Thesis right now which is on Gamification of Corporate Trainings.  I basally want to look at how to make adult education fun and meaningful at the same time.  There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel, I graduate in May!

We had an amazing garden this year all thanks to a magical little thing called irrigation.  Porter and I designed and installed our own system.  It was sweet, quite literally, we ate some may yummies from our little garden spot.  This picture was taken in spring, it was a jungle by the time fall rolled around.

We installed a Deck on the back of our house (why did we wait so long?).  It's amazing and we love it!

I directed "Grease" at YTU this summer.  It was very cute and I loved the dancing.  We did it in a Rockabilly style, and the kids looked great.

Porter and I have been doing a lot of swing dancing and will probably do more in the winter.

My MacBook died.  It was horrible.  Oh and I broke the screen on my iPhone a few weeks prior.  Luckily we were able to salvage my important documents (like school papers and thesis stuff).  I was so sad and stressed that week.  I use my computer for work, school, everything!  My hard drive went bad. So, now I'm a little paranoid about technology, especially my computer.

Oh yeah, we went to England!  It was amazing, and I'm ready to go back.  Our friends Ali and Jon got married there (Porter officiated).  The wedding was perfect, and I'm so happy we could be apart of it.

We went to the first ever SLC Comic Con (this deserves a post of it's own).  It was fabulous, and so crowded, almost 50,000 people, wow!  We cosplayed at Alice and the Mad Hatter and a Rockabilly styled Mario and Peach.

So those are the major events from the time I've been away.  Hopefully I will post more about the random shenanigans from my life.


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