I turned 30 in Barcelona!

I turned 30 this year!  Whoa, me a 30 year old....it's hard to believe, probably even harder for my parents.  But onward and upward!  Porter told me he was taking me somewhere for my birthday, but wouldn't tell me where.  On the morning of my birthday he gave me a card with boarding passes to:


I was so excited to go to a warm beach town in October for my birthday.  Our plan: a little R&R.
Sleep in, stroll the city, have good food and drink, take in the architecture and enjoy the sunshine.

Birthday Dinner

Porter booked us at the Melia.  I was expecting some budget hotel.  Oh no no no, it was a 5 star hotel!  We had a beautiful room with an amazing view, and every morning we had the best breakfasts ever.  I was in heaven.

Our view of the Mediterranean.

We stopped by La Sagrada Familia, a cathedral by Goudi that has been under construction for over 100 years.  It is stunning!  But if you go, book tickets in advance or you'll have to wait forever to get in.

Inside the Cathedral 

Casa Batllo another beautiful Goudi piece.

We found a cool puppet shop.  You can see us in the reflection.  I had my "Halloween" shirt on, because it was Halloween.  But no one else was dressed up at all.  I was a little bummed about that.  I'm used to Halloween being a big holiday.

The Cascada is a beautiful fountain, and it's huge!

So many fun markets and street food.

Las Rambles: a huge shopping district.

Porter got to try a Doner Kebab, apparently everyone back home loves these things.

And I got Gelato!  Wandering around the Gothic Quarter with some ice cold yumminess was a great way to spend a birthday.

We found this awesome little cafe: Salterio.  It was fantastic.

And, of course: The BEACH!  It was windy, and everyone was wind surfing.

Barcelona was Awesome!

 There is a Seagull on top of the fountain.  He was squawking and carrying on.

Getting home was a struggle to say the least.  Our flight was severely delayed due to the fog in London.  We didn't get home till 3 am.  But it was worth it!  I'll turn 30 every year if I can always have a trip like this.


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