A Kiss for the New Year

A Kiss for the new year! 2010 has been a good year I think. Sure there were ups and downs but we made it just fine. January I'm trying to think of what happened in January.....it was so long ago. Porter was traveling a lot with his job at Flextronics and I was in rehearsal for Fiddler on the Roof at Hale Center Theatre. February We had a lovely Valentine's day at Sanctuary Day Spa (which I highly recommend!) Porter was choreographing Footloose at The Empress Theatre while going to school and working full time which included lots of travel. I opened Fiddler on the Roof and my good friend Kim basically lived at our house which was awesome! I became a vegetarian after reading up on the horrors of Factory Farms. March We did the electrical work in our basement. Porter was laid off from his job at Flextronics so I put him to work on a patio out in the garden. I continued performing at Hale and working at Dancing Moose. I began an obsession with goat cheese. April Porter was ...