First of all, it's been along time. I get into these funks where I forget to blog, then I fell guilty about it so I pretend it's not there or that no one reads it or that it's not important enough and I try to forget I have a blog. But it's always there in the back of my head, say "hi! remember me....come post something!" So, the little voice won. And I think my new years resolution, at least one of them is going to be to blog at least once a month. Not much right......well see.
We had a fabulous Christmas! Porter and I invited all our family over for a Crazy Hat Christmas Party on Christmas Eve. Everyone wore awesome hats and we even had a fashion show with them. Kyle (Porter's Dad) won the craziest hat contest. He came as The Grinch's dog Max. Then we played a very fun game of charade with Christmas words. I think my favorite was my dad trying to draw the word "donkey" and it ended up looking like a mutant cat, it was hysterical! We had our traditional white elephant gift exchange. I think this is the first year where there was no trades at all. I ended up getting a cosmic Flash Gordan Kit.

Christmas Morning was very fun. Porter sent me on a scavenger hunt around the house to find a bunch of presents. It was very fun. He is all crafty and awesome like that! We had my parents over for breakfast while we waited to hear from my brother, who is on an LDS mission in Scotland and Ireland. Currently he is serving in Galway, Ireland. This was call 3/4. Next time we hear from him it will be Mother's Day. It was a little stressful connecting our calls, but in the end Porter worked all the technical difficulties out. Thank goodness he works in the teleconferencing industry. It was good to hear from Kit (my brother), he is doing very well. He sent us chocolate from Europe, it is the most amazing thing! It is so much more creamy than American wax filled stuff. I think I almost eaten it all! I will be excited to spend next Christmas with him!
We had a fabulous Christmas! Porter and I invited all our family over for a Crazy Hat Christmas Party on Christmas Eve. Everyone wore awesome hats and we even had a fashion show with them. Kyle (Porter's Dad) won the craziest hat contest. He came as The Grinch's dog Max. Then we played a very fun game of charade with Christmas words. I think my favorite was my dad trying to draw the word "donkey" and it ended up looking like a mutant cat, it was hysterical! We had our traditional white elephant gift exchange. I think this is the first year where there was no trades at all. I ended up getting a cosmic Flash Gordan Kit.

Christmas Morning was very fun. Porter sent me on a scavenger hunt around the house to find a bunch of presents. It was very fun. He is all crafty and awesome like that! We had my parents over for breakfast while we waited to hear from my brother, who is on an LDS mission in Scotland and Ireland. Currently he is serving in Galway, Ireland. This was call 3/4. Next time we hear from him it will be Mother's Day. It was a little stressful connecting our calls, but in the end Porter worked all the technical difficulties out. Thank goodness he works in the teleconferencing industry. It was good to hear from Kit (my brother), he is doing very well. He sent us chocolate from Europe, it is the most amazing thing! It is so much more creamy than American wax filled stuff. I think I almost eaten it all! I will be excited to spend next Christmas with him!
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