Passports. Oh the joy!
Porter is finally going to be done with his MBA program this spring. Hooray! And as a capstone class/assignment, every students to required to go on an international business trip. So this spring I believe the choices were: France, South Africa and Brazil. Porter (with a little nudging from me) decided he would like to go to France, and here is the best part, I get to go too! I'm so excited! I've never been out of the country before, come to think of it, I'm the only one in my family whose not been out of the country. Well, it's my turn, whopee!
We have a bunch of paper work to do and such. I kept asking Porter when we needed our passports and we kept putting it off. But finally, yesterday was the day. Porter got up early and filled out both of our paper work. Then, I was wondering about pictures, he said we could just take them at the clerks office. But, they were $10 a piece! That is a lot for something that is just a little above mug shot quality. So, I opened our windows to get some good light and got out my camera and swanky new flash that I had gotten for Christmas. I took our pictures and printed them off at Kinko for $4 all together. And I think they look far better than the ones from the clerks. Hey, it's a passport, I'm gonna have it for the next 10 years, I want it to look good.
So Hopefully in the coming weeks we will get our passports and be already to head to France in May!

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