Aix en Provence Market Day

This morning we hit up the market in Aix en Provence. It was one of those "must do things" they told us. They were right! It was amazing. The food was all from local farms, there was tons of it, and it looked to die for. Every berry was a juicy ruby red. The veggies looked so fresh and crisp. I wanted to whip out my reusable bags and go shopping, only downside to that, my bags and fridge are on the other side of the globe. Seriously, I wanted to taste everything. There were so many people doing all of their shopping. You could buy everything you needed here: produce, meats, cheeses, bread, macaroons (everyone needs these), eggs, olives. Best. Market. Ever. American food is so lame compared to this pastoral feast. I want to move to Europe just so I can shop at market filled streets and eat amazing food.
Of course I'm starting you off with a pictures of my favorite treat: Macaroons.


more produce

We love the market!

The have the most amazing bread

Getting fancy with the spices

Can I just tell you, I was in heaven! Olives and tapenades every where, fresh olives are the best!


A seafood and rice dish, it was in an enormous pot.

Porter wanted to try out a red pear.

Apparently, in France, there are Zombies among us..."Brains!"

After the food market we visited the flower market in another square. There were flowers everywhere.

So pretty.

Next to the flower market was the fish market. They probably put it next to the flowers to hide the fishy smell. I felt bad as we walked by, some of the crabs were still alive and trying to crawl out. I wanted to pull a 'Free Crabby,' but I don't they would have appreciated my animal activism. They eat so much meat here, it's crazy.

We had a great day here in Aix. After the market we head back to our hotel, which is in an old manor house, so cute! Although we are on the third floor where the elevator doesn't reach, so we climb spiral staircases to get to our room, very cool and very tiring all at the same time. Oh, and there is no shower, only a tub. Bathing is interesting. C'est la vie!


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