
Bonjour! Well, we made it to Paris. And let me tell you, today has been the longest day of my life. We had this great plan to keep us from being jet lagged that went something like this: stay up super late on Friday night (which we did, 3:00 am), then get up at our normal time Saturday morning, finish running errands and packing then catch our flight at 4:45 that afternoon. When we got on the plane we took a sleeping pill and seriously, I was out in almost 15 minutes, we hadn't even flown out of Utah and I was off to snoozeville. I remember groggily hearing the flight attendant asking what I wanted for dinner, she listed a bunch of stuff. All I could get out was 'Penne' and Porter sleepily followed suit. Eating dinner was a haze, I actually spilt some stuff but didn't realize it until we were off the plane (how embarassing, I know, right?! Mrs. Dribbly McDripp Dripp) Anyhow, next thing I know I'm waking up thinking that I had slept for about 3 hours (the flight was 10 hours in all), but the little screen said we were 1 hour from Paris. I was in shock! We slept 8 1/2 hours on the plane, our plan had worked beautifully! I woke Porter up, he couldn't believe it either. We high-fived, much to the dismay of the fellow classmates along for the trip. None of them really slept, so they were pretty jealous of our snooze fest.

After we landed we got our bags, and mine didn't get lost, Hooray!!!! Then we did a driving tour of Paris and finally landed at our hotel. From there we did a walking tour of the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Seine, and the town square of Paris.

After all that the group wanted to climb the Eiffel Tower. Porter and I said, "No Way!" So we split off from the group and navigated Paris all by our selves. I know, were so cool, right?! We wanted dinner so we stopped at this quaint little cafe where I had this amazing salad with toasted goat cheese on a bread of some sort. We also got 2 cups of coffee each, we needed to stay awake to complete the no-jet lag plan that was put into action. Well, upon receiving our bill at said quaint little cafe (where out waiter didn't speak English) we found out that we had spent 20 euros on coffee (5 euro a piece!!!) Not so cool now, ouch. It's okay though, first night in a forgein coutry, sure dinner might have cost us 60 euro, but ya know it's a learning curve....and we're curving...somewhat. Hey, at least we made it back to the hotel so I could blog! And btw, Paris has horrible wi-fi. Our hotel has ethernet, no wireless, plus it's super slow! Hope everyone at home is having a lovely Sunday afternoon. I going to go sleep in a bed for the first time in 36 hours.

Notre Dame

The cup of Jo that robbed us blind!


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