Marshall Soulful Jones performs "Touchscreen"

Sometimes I wish that technology would crash. Our cell phones wouldn't get reception, our computers wouldn't turn on, and all the little touch gizmos would die. Now, I know you must be thinking I'm a horrible person for thinking this, but I think we as a people are to' plugged in' to our online world. I saw a picture a few days ago that had a man hugging his computer that said "I love my computer, that's where all my friends live." Now, I very much appreciate all the conveniences that technology gives us, but I find myself wasting countless hours on facebook, twitter, pintrest, myspace (once upon a time) and games of all different sorts. I also know my husband spends a lot of his free time 'plugged in' mostly his games and twitter. Sometimes I just want to lose all this online social stuff and get back to the basics of hanging with people face to face. This guys in the video is great! I hope you have time to enjoy his wonderful poem, it really hits the nail on the head.


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