The Road Home Photos

"The Road Home is a private non-profit social service agency that assists individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Salt Lake County and along the Wasatch Front. Our mission is to help people step out of homelessness and back into our community.
Originally established in 1923 to assist stranded travelers, the Road Home has grown to address a spectrum of needs that people experiencing homelessness encounter as they work to restore their lives. In addition to operating the largest shelter in Utah, the Road Home has developed a comprehensive housing program that helps people move into housing as quickly as possible."

One of my friends from college, the lovely Becca Dupaix, works for the the non-profit organization-The Road Home.  It is a wonderful program to have in our community.  It gives people a second chance when they need it most.  I was thrilled when she asked me to do some photos for their annual report.  If you would like to take a look click here!


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