We had such a busy MLK Weekend! I always get super excited for 3 day weekends, one because I get an extra day with my cute hubby, and 2 because I get to put that cute hubby to work on projects around the house! HOORAY! Double win! So, we are getting so close to being done with our basement, it seriously has been in the works for 2 1/2 years. It is time to be done! We are done with all the bedrooms and family room and wash room and pantry, we are just waiting to finish the bathroom, then we will carpet and be finished! This is why I am becoming a slave driver to get the tile laid in the bathroom. Porter has been working hard on the shower, which is very tedious work as the tiles are small and fickle. But it came time for the floor. So this weekend was: 'tile weekend'
Did I mention I made Thai Coconut Curry Soup on Sunday Night? It was Amazing! I found a great recipe on Pintrest. Thai food is one of my favs, and so is Pintrest! You should look up my boards and find my food board. The recipe is on it.
To celebrate our victory with the tile (and I say 'our' because I sat down there on a Home Depot bucket and gave morale support, plus I buttered a few tiles for my man) we went out for a yummy breakfast at Ruth's Diner. It was delish! I ordered French Toast and Tea. But look at the size of biscuits they give you!
We also played a super fun game with our friends Brenden and Tiffany called 'SmallWorld.' I am hooked! We played two nights this week, plus I bought the version for the ipad. However, I have yet to win a game of it. I think the computer cheats when I play on the ipad. The bot (nickname for my computer foe) always wins, and if I'm in lead, it magically gets an extra turn. The bot and I have had words...
I still LOVE this game!!!! Brenden said 'it's like a combination of Risk, Dominion, and WOW.'

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