All on the Same Continent!

For the first time in over 2 years, my whole family is on the same continent! Woohoo! I of course swooped in and seized this golden opportunity to snap a few pictures.
My Grandma Joyce, my mom and I, basically three generations of pure Class, if I do say so myself. I hope I look as good as these two when I get older.

And, of course we have to have another photo shoot of the kilt. I mean, it really is that cool, we might even have another photo shoot, maybe even a movie, "A Kilt upon Kit" or perhaps "Gone with the Kilt," "KILT WARS" has a nice ring to it. No, no, I got it, "Lord of the Kilts!" And I bet you are hoping I'm done with my kilt movie titles.....but we all know I jut could keep going and going. "Harry Potter and the Deathy Kilt," "Top Kilt," "Breaking Kilt"the's never ending! However, lucky for you, it's my bedtime. Ciao!


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