Performance Lab

I did it!  My first pole performance has been completed.  I was actually really nervous, which is super silly since I'm used to doing things in front of people.  I think it's because I had never done this type of performance before.  Anyway, it went well, except for at the end when another girl's leg collided with mine.  She went a little later than usual and we smacked shins.  I totally forgot what was next, and you can tell in the video, I'm sitting smiling like a fool cause I can't remember what happens next!  We actually did the dance again, but Porter watched instead of filming, although the second time was much better, I wish I could show you that one.  Hope you enjoy the performance!
 The Trio

Afterwards, Porter and I played on the poles.  Our friends Brenden and Tiffany came and played too, but I couldn't manage to snap a shot of their mad pole skills!  If you live in Salt Lake City go and check out La Bombe Pole Fitness!


  1. Hello
    Performance Lab
    Articles like this are an example of quick helpful answers. I adore it a ton, thank you a lot!


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